THE OVERLAND LOG FROM MAKASSAR TO TAWAU This is my land route from Makassar (Sulawesi, Indonesia) to Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. 1) MAKASSAR – PARE PARE, 141 KM, 3 hours, by Continue Reading
THE OVERLAND LOG FROM MAKASSAR TO TAWAU This is my land route from Makassar (Sulawesi, Indonesia) to Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. 1) MAKASSAR – PARE PARE, 141 KM, 3 hours, by Continue Reading
There is one little island opposite Kupang (West Timor, Indonesia) which is at the same time very wild and unexplored; but also quite easily reachable from Tenau Port in Kupang. Continue Reading
The big problem with Indonesia and Bali, especially, is that tourists are the perfect targets for extra-charges. They are indeed responsible for their own doom, as they are flocking in Continue Reading