San Cristobal Frontera land border

Instead of getting expensive shuttle, direct buses, you can locally travel on a budget with public transportation leading you firstly to the border and later from the border to final destination.

I know most of the tourists will travel from Antigua. However, even for them, this post could turn out to be interesting as well, given the fact you only need to add another “chicken” bus from Antigua to Guatemala City (1 hour, 20 GTQ).

Let’s see in detail the steps you need to go through:

  1. HEAD FOR GUATEMALA CITY BUS TERMINAL: this part is quite tricky as there is no central, clear hub. I have asked around a lot and eventually got to the right departure point (between zone 4 and 9), as shown in the map above. Chicken Buses leave at frequent (unscheduled) intervals and cost 70 GTQ down to the border. Travelling time is approximately 3.30 h.
  2. WALK TO SAN CRISTOBAL FRONTERA LAND BORDER: since the bus leaves you very close to the border, you only need to walk a few hundred meters.
  3. STAMP OUT AT GUATEMALA IMMIGRATION: again, quite straightforward, without queue, special documents, exit fees or major issues. The process was indeed fast. You are also given a white paper to hand on to El Salvador immigration officers.
  4. STAMP IN AT EL SALVADOR IMMIGRATION: keeping the right side, you only need to proceed for about 100 meters more to bump into El Salvador immigration booth. Again, at least for me, no queue, no Covid tests, no vaccination documents, no entry fees, nothing required (as of February 2022). In a matter of minutes you are in El Salvador. Pity that since a few years ago, no real passport stamp is issued. You are stamped in only “digitally”.
  5. EXCHANGE YOUR GUATEMALA QUETZALES: should you have any money left from Guatemala, do not worry as you can change them a few meters after the border from a moneychanger located on the right side and blatantly yelling at you. The standard rate (as of February 2022) was 7.69 GTQ = 1 USD or 100 GTQ = 13 USD. Just Remember that US dollar is the only official currency in El Salvador. Right after the border you may also find basic shops and small (cheap) restaurants too. I even distinguished an ATM (5B) on the Guatemala side.
  6. WALK TO THE FOLLOWING BEND: a short walk to the first bend (about 200 meters further) will lead you straight to the direct bus to Santa Ana, leaving every 20-30 minutes until 6 pm and priced 0.53 USD. The ride should take around 1 hour. I personally did not see other tourists / travellers at the border nor in the bus.
Chickem bus from San Cristobal Frontera to Santa Ana, El Salvador
Chicken bus from San Cristobal Frontera to Santa Ana, El Salvador

As you can see, with less than 10 USD you may easily travel from Guatemala City to Santa Ana. I do strongly believe that direct or shuttle buses would be much more expensive. As usual, the DIY, public version turns out to be cheaper, more local and authentic. Go for it !

Should you have any remark or update, please feel free to contribute to this post.

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