Again, as for French Guyana and Suriname, you need to cross a river to pass the border overland. The process is quite lengthy but straightforward. You have even a direct Continue Reading
Again, as for French Guyana and Suriname, you need to cross a river to pass the border overland. The process is quite lengthy but straightforward. You have even a direct Continue Reading
If you are an independent, low-budget, solo traveller, then your life is definitely harder (but probably more rewarding). Suriname is quite an affordable country though. Besides the usual travel channels Continue Reading
Here you have another quick post concerning this time the seldom trodden land border crossing between French Guyana and Suriname, specifically between Saint Laurent du Maroni and Albina, actually the Continue Reading
This section is quite a detailed diary with all my movements across the involved countries in South America. Besides functioning as a sort of “position tracker”, it will hopefully provide Continue Reading