Since Venezuela is passing through a general improvement in terms of security, travellers have now the chance again to enter overland from Brazil (Colombian border has recently opened but seems Continue Reading
Since Venezuela is passing through a general improvement in terms of security, travellers have now the chance again to enter overland from Brazil (Colombian border has recently opened but seems Continue Reading
Certainly the 550 Km stretch from Georgetown to Lethem is not for the faintest of hearts. To start with, minibuses companies have created a “cartel price” quite inaccessible to low Continue Reading
The Amazonian border crossing between Brazil and French Guyana is not well trodden indeed. Although some locals do use this way, backpackers generally speaking steer away from these remote lands Continue Reading
This section is quite a detailed diary with all my movements across the involved countries in South America. Besides functioning as a sort of “position tracker”, it will hopefully provide Continue Reading